
Business Coaching & Consulting Services for Strategic Growth

Actonia’s commitment to business excellence is strengthened by a strategic partnership with Kathryn Sakalis from Thinkworx.

Kathryn is a versatile business consultant who excels as a strategic problem-solver, business coach, leader, facilitator, marketer and communicator.

More than just a mentor, Kathryn is a catalyst for transformation, blending strategic expertise with inspirational leadership to help businesses overcome challenges and achieve remarkable growth.

With a deep-rooted understanding of business dynamics, our partner is a seasoned problem-solver, adept at identifying hidden opportunities and developing innovative solutions

She simplifies complex ideas into actionable insights, empowering you to make smart, strategic decisions.

Kathryn’s expertise in strategic marketing and communication ensures that your brand story resonates powerfully with your target audience.

Let our partner be your trusted confidant and strategic advisor as you embark on your journey to business success.

What she can do for you

Many years of in-depth experience in

Leading business divisions and large multi-functional teams | Business StrategyMarketing & Brand Building (incl. CI, CRM & Digital Marketing) | Crises & Corporate Communication (internal & external) | CSI | Driving Diversity & Inclusivity | Mentoring & Business Coaching

Particular areas of interest

Solving business challenges together. Simplifying and focusing strategy.
Passionate about developing Inclusive Leaders by uncovering one’s unconscious biases.
Gives back through mentoring, sponsoring disadvantaged students & assisting NGOs.

Solving business challenges together.

Working one-on-one with senior business executives, coaching & developing their ability to solve business problems/challenges.

Business coaching

The business coaching sessions include pre-work on the challenge we are solving. Rather than presenting solutions, I steer my clients so that they are enabled to facilitate solutions. We identify development opportunities and build awareness. Together we set goals and create action plans.

  • I’m available in between formal coaching sessions as a sounding board.
  • I offer support and encouragement over the long term.
  • Progress is monitored and progress reports provided.

Boosting internal capacity with an outside-in perspective

Clients engage Kathryn to work with multiple individuals to solve strategic business problems.

Strategic projects

These business challenges have included:

  • Mapping out & identifying pain points for a new customer over their 1st 60 days
  • Brand strategy review & CI audit
  • Future fit team structure – analysing the current structure vs key strategic objectives &
    recommending revised roles & processes
  • CRM strategy review
  • Brand repositioning
  • Corporate communications revision & rewrite
  • Donor engagement strategy
  • Business strategy review & key objectives identification
  • Review of vision, values, purpose

Leading teams through transition

Clients contract Kathryn to lead a team on a part-time basis as a Fractional Leader.

Fractional Leadership

Fractional leadership is a type of interim management where organizations bring in external executive talent to fill specific roles on a temporary basis. This can be for a specific project or piece of work, or to cover a period of transition such as a change in leadership or while recruiting to fill the specific leadership role.

Fractional leaders such as myself are typically experienced C-Level executives who have specialist skills and knowledge that can be applied to achieve specific objectives. We are brought in on a flexible or part-time basis. Our leadership & management skills are transferable across many functional areas.


Kathryn Sakalis, business problem solver, focused on helping you connect the dots. As a Strategic thinker, Business Coach, Mentor and Business & Marketing Strategist, I apply my analytical skills and customer insights to steer you in the right direction.

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