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Listings: How to authenticate a Google Business Profile listing

1 min read

There are 3 places where you can connect a Google Business Profile account. Once you’ve connected a Google Business Profile account in one of these 3 areas, it will be connected in all of them.

To authenticate a Google Business Profile account in Reputation Management:

  1. Go to the Listings tab of Reputation Management.
  2. Click the Google listing. In the dropdown, click View Possible Matches
  3. Click Connect Google Business Profile

  4. Log into your Google account and select a location (this location must be verified on Google).

To authenticate a Google Business Profile account in Reputation Management Settings:

Connect a Google Business Profile account in Reputation Management > Settings > Connect Accounts


To authenticate a Google Business Profile account in Location Vault > Listing Sync:

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  1. Go to the Listing Sync tab in Location Vault.
  2. Click Sync to fix Google on the Google listing source.
  3. Authenticate a Google account.
  4. Select a Google business listing. The Google account must already have access to this listing.
  5. Click Turn on Syncing to sync to the Google Business Profile within seconds.
  6. You must verify the listing in the Google Business Profile dashboard for changes to display on Maps, Search, and other Google services. Follow these instructions.
  7. Changes to location info via Business Hub or Partner Center will automatically syndicate to Google Business Profile!

Contact support@Actonia.co.za if you experience any trouble completing the above steps.