Executive Report Overview

The Executive Report is your single source of truth for the state of their online presence. It gives your a rollup of everything that’s happening across all of your digital marketing channels week-to-week, or month-to-month. This automated report gives you a first-hand look at the return on investment—it’s a great way show how you’re delivering results each month.


The Executive Report makes it even easier to show you everything you accomplish for your business, month after month. Features include:

  • Key performance indicators from across the marketing stack, including Reviews, Listings, Social, Website, SEO, and Advertising. Most apps that are active on the account push data to the report.
  • Short-term changes and long-term trends. Compare metrics week-over-week or month-over-month, and use long-term trends to contextualize changes over time, e.g. “You may have received fewer website visits from Google Maps this week, but since you’ve started working with us 6 months ago, your website traffic has more than tripled.”
  • An automated email with relevant highlights is delivered to you at the beginning of every week, month, or both. No sign-in is required to view the report, and it’s mobile-responsive, so you can view the report from any device.